Saturday, 5 May 2012

I've Been Thinking... maybe a little too much...

As most of you know I have a leg injury at the moment that has been a little frustrating.  Yesterday my day was thrown into a tailspin when I got a call from the hospital telling me that I had to come down right away to have my leg scanned to look for a blood clot.  My day was rearranged and I was scanned, no blood clot in sight.  There seemed to be some evidence of a tear but we have to further investigate that.  So, it's a good news/bad news situation.  I can now get my heart rate up again, but lower body work is out for now.  It's tough being still!  Especially when exercise is so much a part of my life and has been for awhile.  It was a huge factor in my weight loss and when I can't exercise my mind goes to dark places.

On another note I have been doing more thinking about food lately.  In preparation for competition my diet was changed.  It is difficult to stick to and rather dull which isn't the issue.  The issue for me is that because I am a competitor with weight still to lose before cutting for the stage I am obsessing about the fact that I haven't lost weight for awhile.  The further along I get in this process, the more I am obsessing about every thing that goes into my mouth.  I am freaking out and beating myself up on a daily basis to the point where I am thinking I may have set myself up for a disaster.  There....I've said it out loud!
It's gotten to the point that I dreamed about someone offering my husband dessert last night.  I was waiting for him to offer it to me so I could politely decline.  What does it all mean?

Anyway, today I will try to move some more over the course of the day.  I am teaching (and not doing) spin this morning twice and have an almost full slate of clients.  I will find some time for an upper body workout this afternoon and maybe that will help with this doubt.  I sure hope so.

I hope you all have an amazing day and accomplish something that takes you closer to your dreams!


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