Friday, 13 April 2012

It's Friday the 13th are you freaked out?

Happy Friday everyone!!  I spent alot of time trying to figure out what to write about today.  When a project is new there are so many directions in which you can travel it is almost overwhelming.  Today I have decided to use the "Friday the 13th" theme and let you all in on 13 things I have learned about myself through my journey so far (did you hear the foreboding organ music that just played???).  Some of my revelations are life changing and some are just plain funny to think about....but here they are.

  1. I am stubborn and some might say just a little pigheaded (by the way, stubborn comes in handy when someone wants to feed you)
  2. When I make up my mind to do something you should just stand back because it's GOING TO HAPPEN.  
  3. I have learned to love water.
  4. I needed (and still do) to surround myself with people that supported (and support) the idea of a fitter, more confident me!  You guys know who you are - you are prominent in my life.
  5. I need to celebrate small victories and really celebrate the big ones.
  6. This one is huge...... don't beat yourself up about small slips, learn from them and MOVE ON.
  7. Learn 3 new words to be used together often "no, thank you".  These words are used when a well meaning friend tries to sabotage your new way of eating because she prefers the "old" you.
  8. I learned how to move my body.  I had moved my body before but I hired professionals (you know who you are) to help me move with purpose and passion.  I can't thank you guys enough.
  9. Laugh at yourself (in a good way).  Laugh with others often.
  10. Set small goals and give them a timeline.  Without any direction, any road will get you there
  11. Have I mentioned I am stubborn - it has pulled me through tough workouts, tough food choices and through negative feelings about my journey
  12. I have grown to love that feeling where you are gasping for breath, your clothes are soaked and there is water (sweat) dripping from every pore in your face.  Your body is shaking from the effort and you have given everything you have got.......LOVE THAT MOMENT!
  13. I have to give back.  No matter where you are in YOUR journey, someone is wishing they had come as far as you have.  Someone will always be ahead of you and someone will always be behind you.  Reach out and support someone who is struggling.  You both will win!
Happy Friday the 13th everyone.  Go out there and move your body and eat healthy foods!  Your body will thank you.

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